PGA Official Tournament Earnings Leaders

April 9, 2024

by Steven Anderson

You can make a lot of money playing golf if you are in the top 100 of players. But that’s not easy to do considering there are millions of people who play the sport. We are not sure how one would go about getting an accurate figure of how many people actually play, but some figures we’ve seen is between 60-110+ million.

What makes the sport so lucrative for these players is the longevity factor. Unlike most other sports where professional careers only last about a decade or so, these golfers can easily stick around for 2-3 decades. Tiger Woods for example won his first major 27 years ago. Phil Mickelson turned pro 32 years ago and is still participating in tournaments. Phil has played in 663 official PGA Tournaments. Rory McIlroy on the other hand has had the fewest tournaments of anyone on this list but even he’s played in 245 tournaments. That is a lot of golf…how much do you play?


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