How Big Are NBA Players?

March 31, 2024

by Steven Anderson

We all know that basketball players tend to be tall, but how tall are they actually compared to the average American? The chart below shows every currently active NBA players’ height and weight. You’ll notice only two dots are below 6′ and plenty are above 6’6″ and 7′. When you break down their sizes by position the difference becomes even more stark. Centers require the most height, compared to guards who typically are on the smaller end. It makes you wonder how good players like Jacob Gilyard would be if he had an extra 12 inches in height? It’s amazing to think that someone 5’8″ can turn pro when it’s so obvious that height is an advantage.

The player photos below are NOT to scale, while Boban Marjanovic is a giant, he isn’t 2x the height of Jacob.


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